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  • Jaime Garcia

Tattoo Sleeves

Updated: Sep 8, 2019

Half Sleeve Tattoo

I often get asked is how much will a sleeve cost me? Let’s be real, this question just cant be answered without questions.  If your serious, then you should already know a sleeve isn’t cheap because they take a lot of time. But don’t shy away because of sticker shock. Straight up sleeves are big business, but it’s not for this reason that I really enjoy them. Sleeves really do tell a story, from the beginning I hope to be the artist that narrates each chapter to the end. In some cases I might be the trusted artist from start to finish, but clients can choose to stick with you or have other artists add their flare. However, it ends up working out I like being a part of the story and collaborating with clients to creatively come up with a concept they’ll want to see through with me until its concluded. It’s the most creative outlet for me to envision a cohesive piece covering a good part of the body. Going back to what this will cost? Be prepared to answer some questions. What type of sleeve do you want (length)? If you don’t know, a quick google search on sleeves should help you easily answer this question. Are you looking for color or black and grey? This will inevitably change the price. Color whether it pops or or it’s subtle will generally be a higher cost, than a just as eye catching black and grey. If the artist work is amazing regardless of color your tattoo will not go unnoticed. Design concept, what do you have in mind? Having a general theme helps with cohesiveness and will help tie Individual concepts altogether. I can help come up with creative ideas to keep the momentum going and I can definitely provide suggestions to fill in the gaps. Always keep in mind though your the author of the story and sleeves are most creditable when their as individual and unique as you. Bottom line price and depending on length, for most tattoo sleeves be prepared to use a pretty decent tax return if your committed to the idea and completing it sooner rather than later. Don’t have that kind of cash, not to worry artists like myself take on clients all the time that start small and finish big. It will take longer to get there but the scenic route allows you to enjoy the ride and more importantly make well thought out decisions.

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